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Monday, July 7, 2008

Prayers for a very special little girl

A while back I posted about Ruth Hoffman's daughterNaomi and her pregnancy. Ruth is the president ofCandlelighters and Naomi is one of the first childrento survive a bone marrow transplant (for AML). Shewas believed to be infertile as a result of hertreatment, which included conditioning for the BMTusing TBI.Naomi gave birth to Hope Isabella last Monday, 15weeks early. Below is an email from Ruth about HopeIsabella. Please keep this feisty little girl inyour thoughts and prayers.Jen ClickCarolyn's mom************************************************
Subject: Hope Isabella
My dear friends,
I'm writing to share with you the miracle of thebirth of Hope Isabella, born yesterday at 12:46 pm atGeorgetown University Hospital, Washington DC.Little Hope arrived at 25 weeks gestation and weighs1 pound 9 ounces.Little Hope is truly 'Naomi's Hope,'( As so many of you are aware, mydaughter Naomi is a 2 time cancer survivor. Diagnosedinitially in 1987 with acute myelogenous leukemia,she was one of the first children to survive a bonemarrow transplant. Treated with intensivechemotherapy, as well as total body radiation, Naomihad been told that she would be sterile.Thirteen weeks ago, Naomi learned that she was 12weeks pregnant. She had actually thought that she hadcancer again and had booked a radioactive scanto see if her second cancer had returned. Routinely,she was required to take a pregnancy test, and lowand behold, she was already past her first trimester.It was quickly determined that this was going to be avery complicated and high risk pregnancy as a resultof secondary late effects from the cancer treatmentsthat Naomi received as a little girl. This turnedout to be the case. It was determined that she had avery shortened cervix as a result of the radiationshe received when 7 years of age. She had a cerclageplaced at 16 weeks gestation. Her already high bloodpressure continued to climb so she was put on betablockers and calcium blockers. She required monthlyechocardiograms due to cardiomyopathy from herprevious chemo. She required weekly blood draws tocheck thyroid levels due to her second cancer(papillary thyroid carcinoma), and bi-weeklyultrasounds. At 23 weeks gestation she washospitalized as she had completely effaced. LastMonday, at 24 weeks, her water broke, and yesterdayat 25 weeks gestation, little Hope arrived. It isbelieved that she came early due to uterine vascularinsufficiency, as well as a uterine infection fromthe cerclage.The neonatologists who are caring for little Hope saythat she's a feisty little one. She does have aninfection in her lungs, is on a trach, and isbeing fed through her umbilical cord. That said,she's beautiful! She has a full head of black hair(like her mother Naomi had when she was born), andimmediately after being born opened her eyes and waslooking all around. Her little feet are the samelength as Naomi's thumb print.I want to thank each of you for your support and lovefor Naomi over the years. Some of you initiallycared for Naomi when she was first treatedwith cancer. Some of you have loved her for herstrength as you've watched her grow, and some of youare new friends as a result of the gala that weorganized last November. Naomi and I are gratefulfor the love, and we ask that you keep little Hope inyour thoughts and prayers as she now fights forher little life. She is a miracle. She's a giftthat Naomi never dreamed would happen in her life.She's also having to fight for her life as a resultof the late effects of cancer treatments of Naomi'slife as a little girl. Once again, I must impressupon each of you, that research needs to continue sothat less toxic therapies can be found to treat thelittlest cancer patients
.... where there is life, there is hope...

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